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    Riva Cashmere Shawl

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      Riva Cashmere Shawl

      100% Handwoven Pashmina

      Availability: Sold out


      Product Overview

      This multicolour striped REVA shawl is made of high quality and very soft pashmina cashmere.
      The stripes are about 1,5 cm wide and are crossed by a fine darkblue line, so it appears almost like a check pattern.

      Individually crafted by our master craftsmen, a luxe handwoven cashmere piece, it’s a HIGHLIGHT for every day or eveneing and in any travellers wardrobe.

      Wrap yourself in comfort with this supremely soft cashmere scarf.

      • 100% Pashmina Cashmere
      • 100% Hand spun / Hand woven  
      • 200 cm x 100 cm 
      • Dry clean only
      • Cotton storage bag included


      Production time: 1 month handcrafted

      Recommendations: To store, fold and keep in a dry place with cedar blocks.

      Additional Information

      Lieferzeit No


      Artikelnummer: 10047stripes Benötigen Sie Hilfe? Kontaktieren Sie uns

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